
Daiwa has an ongoing commitment to ensuring that the content on this website is accessible to the widest range of visitors, regardless of disability.

Access keys
Access keys are keyboard shortcuts that provide quick links to common website features, without the need to use a mouse.

To navigate with access keys:

Hold down the 'Alt' key and the access key, followed by the 'Enter' key

Hold down the 'Ctrl' key and the access key

Please note: Access keys are only supported by Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 and above and Netscape 6 and above.

The pages on this website comply with the recommended UK Government access keys standard. The complete list of access key are as follow:

0 - Accessibility statement
1 - Home page
2 - Media centre (News & Events)
3 - Site Map
4 - Site Search
5 - About us
6 - Services
7 - Global Network
8 - Terms & Conditions
9 - Contact us

All content images on this site are provided with descriptive ALT attributes

All pages contain a link to the home page (access key 1), sitemap (access key 3) and search box (access key 4).

The navigation system has been constructed in a consistent fashion to provide clear navigation pathways throughout the site.

There is a sitemap of Daiwa Capital Markets Europe Limited (access key 3) which can help you navigate around the website.

In many cases we have provided an HTML version of PDFs on this website, however if you would like to use a screen reader to read PDF documents you can find out more at the Adobe access website.