Recent Blogs




The ECB – Not the time for tapering

  • The future of the ECB’s QE programme has become a subject of intense speculation.
  • Given the underwhelming economic outlook and banana-skins ahead, the ECB would be foolish to taper.

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Sterling – far from flash

The past week has seen sterling perform the worst of all the world’s currencies. And with the UK Government seemingly careering headlong into a hard Brexit, it looks set to fall further from here.

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Post-Brexit Blues

The past couple of days have seen the first of the economic indicators from the post-Brexit referendum period published. And the news has been predictably depressing.

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Political Anarchy, Economic Calamity

One week on from the seismic referendum result and the only thing that’s clear is that the UK is in the midst of its deepest political crisis since at least the Second World War. And this uncertainty is having profound negative economic consequences. There are any number of reasons to now expect a much weaker growth profile and recession.

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Recession, secession and political uncertainty: The post-Brexit UK

So, the opinion polls, which had shown a big move towards a Remain vote, got it wrong yet again, with Leave squeaking a win by 51.9% to 48.1%.

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