Recent Blogs




Japan's Q2 GDP: No show-stopper

Japan’s GDP plunged in Q2 at the steepest rate since the 2011 earthquake, with consumer spending plummeting at a record pace. But evidence points to a rebound in the current quarter. The BoJ won’t be panicked into easing policy further. And today’s data certainly do not represent a show-stopper for Abenomics.

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The Tankan and QQE: Carry on Regardless

Three months on from the consumption tax hike and Japan’s economy looks to be absorbing the shock as well as might reasonably have been hoped. That was the message from today’s Tankan survey.

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Abe’s 3rd Arrow: Flying or Dying?

The first two arrows of Abenomics have already made their mark. And with the latest structural reform strategy approved by Japan’s Cabinet today, is the third arrow also now about to fly?  

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Abenomics: What follows the Money? A Response

Response by Chris Scicluna, Head of Economic Research, to the presentation by Professor Shumpei Takemori at a seminar held at Daiwa Capital Markets Europe Ltd. on 16th January 2014.

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Abenomics: What follows the Money?

Shumpei Takemori
Professor of Economics
Keio University
& Visiting Scholar
l'Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia

This blog article is a summary of remarks made by Professor Shumpei Takemori at a seminar held at Daiwa Capital Markets Europe Ltd. on 16th January 2014.

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