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Abenomics - FAQs

So far, so good. The 3 arrows of Abenomics (major monetary easing; active fiscal policy; and structural reform) aim to revive confidence, generate a sustainable recovery and end deflation. And most evidence suggests that the...

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BoJ: Waiting for wage growth

Since early April when Kuroda unveiled the BoJ’s momentous pledge to double Japan’s monetary base within two years, each subsequent Policy Board meeting has been a non-event. The conclusion tomorrow of the latest BoJ get-together seems bound to be the same...

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Achtung Abe!!

The recent volatility in Japanese financial markets has seen Abenomics come in for much (unwarranted) criticism. In turn, this has seen much greater scrutiny of the “third arrow” of Abenomics – the structural reform agenda...

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Is Abenomics failing?

The recent volatility seen in Japanese financial markets has spawned plenty of column inches suggesting that it marks the point at which Abenomics was revealed to be a failure. In particular, the “spike” in JGB yields, it has been...

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JGBs: Banking on the BoJ

While fully consistent with Japan’s improved economic outlook and equity market gains, the upwards shift in JGB yields since early April has raised concerns. Not least of these is the impact on the health of Japan’s banks...

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