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  • Daiwa's View

    Daiwa's View

    24 October 2023 438 KB PDF
    • Will price movements start to factor in US economic slowdown?
    • Financial Conditions Index implies substantial slowdown in 2H
  • Daiwa's View

    Daiwa's View

    23 October 2023 709 KB PDF
    • Two interpretations of USD/JPY detachment from US/Japan yield gap
  • Daiwa's View

    Daiwa's View

    6 October 2023 499 KB PDF
    • USD/JPY hedging costs have finally reached 6%
    • USD/JPY basis has started worsening
  • Daiwa's View

    Daiwa's View

    6 October 2023 489 KB PDF
    • Current position in this 10yr UST yield cycle largely coming into view
  • Daiwa's View

    Daiwa's View

    5 October 2023 389 KB PDF
    • Understanding of joint bond system may encourage joint green bond investment
    • Joint municipal green bond issuance planned for FY23
    • Basic structure same as joint bonds, except for “green” aspect
    • Plans for 42 organizations to participate in joint green bond initiative with total issuance of about Y100bn in FY23; 10-year maturity (same as joint bonds)
  • Daiwa's View

    Daiwa's View

    5 October 2023 226 KB PDF
    • Currency intervention was not implemented
    • There was probably no “rate check” either
  • Daiwa's View

    Daiwa's View

    5 October 2023 331 KB PDF
    • How new economic measures may impact JGB issuance
  • Daiwa's View

    Daiwa's View

    4 October 2023 607 KB PDF
    • Sensitivity of JGB yields to US yields
    • Levels depend on short-term yield trends