Recent Blogs




UK politics to remain under the spotlight

Emily Nicol
  • BoJ’s Tankan survey reports a further rise in firms’ inflation expectations
  • Tokyo CPI figures for September due tomorrow, while the latest household consumption and wage data are due on Friday
  • ECB account on Thursday will be watched for the debate between the hawks and doves
  • A busy week for top-tier US releases includes the manufacturing and services ISMs, as well as the employment report on Friday

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UK GDP revised up in Q2

Chris Scicluna
Emily Nicol
  • UK external current account improves in Q2 but deficit remains very large by historical standards
  • French inflation in September undershoots expectations, but Dutch inflation skyrockets
  • Japanese IP beat expectations in August as the impact of easing supply chain disruption eased


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ECB hawks restate case for 75bps hike next month

Emily Nicol
Chris Scicluna
  • German inflation likely rose in September to a new high due principally to the expiration of the Summer discounting measures but also the ongoing upwards trend in food prices
  • But Spanish inflation fell back much more than expected due principally to lower electricity prices
  • Commission survey likely to add to evidence of loss of euro area growth momentum at the end of the summer


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Deserved criticism of UK fiscal policy continues

Chris Scicluna
Emily Nicol
  • German and French consumer confidence plunges to record lows; German income expectations also slump to the lowest since the series began in the early 1990s
  • US pending home sales could buck the recent downwards trend in August, while goods trade deficit might well worsen amid a rebound in imports of consumer goods

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Sterling slumped to a record low

Chris Scicluna
Emily Nicol
  • While far more stable than Gilts, Italian spreads widen after right-wing coalition on track for majorities in both houses of parliament
  • Japanese flash PMIs flag ongoing challenges
  • Flash euro area inflation estimates (due Friday) expected to report that the headline HICP rate jumped in September

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