Recent Blogs




The BoJ: Over-inflated expectations?

Tomorrow brings monetary policy announcements from several major central banks. And in marked contrast to those at the ECB and BoE, which look set to deliver nothing new, the Bank of Japan’s meeting will be momentous...

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Cyprus’ missed opportunity?

Last week saw the much-diminished Cypriot banking system finally re-open, albeit with onerous capital controls in place. These include limits on credit card transactions, daily withdrawals, money transfers abroad and the cashing of cheques...

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Euro area post-Cyprus: Re-pricing of risks

The Cypriot bailout is likely to mark a new turning point in the euro area’s debt crisis. Akin to the declaration of Deauville in October 2010, when German Chancellor Merkel and then French President Sarkozy first threatened private creditors...

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UK banks – Safety first

Hopes that a recovery in [productive] bank lending will help kick start the UK’s faltering economy have been dealt a further setback by today’s recommendations from the Financial Policy Committee...

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Cyprus: A dark future within the euro area

We have a deal. After another memorable weekend in the so-far short but fateful life of the single currency, Cyprus and the Eurogroup finally reached an agreement on a package that...

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