Recent Blogs




Floods in Germany: No impact on ECB policy

In August 2002 Germany was hit by one of its most severe floods in more than a century, causing total estimated damages of €9.2bn (around 0.4% of GDP). While the current floods are unlikely to be as damaging as those...

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Is Abenomics failing?

The recent volatility seen in Japanese financial markets has spawned plenty of column inches suggesting that it marks the point at which Abenomics was revealed to be a failure. In particular, the “spike” in JGB yields, it has been...

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JGBs: Banking on the BoJ

While fully consistent with Japan’s improved economic outlook and equity market gains, the upwards shift in JGB yields since early April has raised concerns. Not least of these is the impact on the health of Japan’s banks...

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Weakness in the euro area's core: Structural or cyclical?

The ECB’s decision in early May to cut its key policy rate to a new record low mainly reflected the deteriorating economic outlook in the euro area’s core. Today’s GDP figures provided a timely reminder of the challenges faced by...

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JGBs: BoJ provides the ultimate backstop

Recent days have seen a big sell off in the JGB market. The 10Y yield has leapt from 60bps last Thursday to 86bps today. The 5Y yield, meanwhile, has risen from 23bps to over 40bps over the same period. It is certainly one of the sharpest sell offs in the...

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